Welcome to AwareWolf

Has the identity of Aware Wolf piqued your curiosity, prompting you to inquire about it?

The story of Aware Wolf's genesis is one that is rooted in the trials and tribulations that come with modern Western society. Prior to assuming the mantle of Aware Wolf, I was a Medical Technician in the Canadian Armed Forces for two decades. The designation of a medical technician, however, has no civilian equivalent. In essence, a medical technician is a general healthcare provider in the Canadian military, tasked with providing care in diverse environments, from clinical settings on military installations to more austere locales, such as at sea, in the air, and in foreign countries, among others. They are trained  to operate under hostile circumstances while their roles varies from the one of an advanced care paramedic, a nurse, social worker, pharmacy technician, clerk, manager, and more.

On a more personal level, my transformative experience began when I became frustrated with the repeated clinical trials that had failed to yield positive results. I had been prescribed various medications over the years to address a range of diagnoses, including major depression disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, TDHD, and CPTSD. However, these medications were doing more harm than good, causing adverse effects that were counterproductive. As a result, I became more self-aware of my habits and sought out a more natural form of healing, gradually distancing myself from modern-day medicine.

My research and studies subsequently led me down a path of self-discovery, self-healing and a spiritual journey, with each new realization excitingly leading to the next and the next. I delved into the ancient ways of energy healing, the myriad benefits of the herbal world, and holistic medicine and other practices such as Esoterism and Shamanism. Training and learning from some of the best in their respective practices.

Eventhough, I go by Aware Wolf, the shamanic name I received after my initiation is Two Feathers.

While I wouldn't consider myself an expert, I am professional in what I do and one thing all my mentors would agree on is my humbuness.

I've been referred to as many things - a shaman, medecine man, guru, mage, and some others.

However, there's one thing that's hard to dispute, I'm likely The Catalyst you need.

And if you never heard of Aware Wolf before, please visit:



My name is Max, and I am a Holistic Advisor😉

Disclaimer: When considering the realm of metaphysics and holistic health practices, it is essential to understand that results are not implied, automatic, or guaranteed. As an individual offering these services, I assume no responsibility for any positive or negative outcomes. It is up to you to determine what resonates with you and to take full responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and emotions. While I offer these services on a non-commercial basis, I do accept fixed donations as a form of exchange. It is important to note that regardless of the legitimacy of my abilities, these services are intended for entertainment purposes only. If you are interested in learning more about these services and scheduling a session, please feel free to contact me via email first, as those offers are non-refundable.

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